Behind the Scenes of Mike McRoberts Photography
Hey there! It’s me, Edie. I’m Mike’s daughter, and I’ve been working with him to revamp his online presence (you know how us Gen Z folk like online things…) and help him begin a new chapter of Mike McRoberts Photography. I thought I’d stop in, say hello, and introduce myself.
Over the last 14 years, I’ve watched my dad’s journey with macro flower photography. From those first few photos in 2008 all the way to now, he’s really developed his passion and his craft. I have always said that the happiest I’ve ever seen him was when he was really diving deep into his photography hobby for the first time back in 2008 and 2009. He’d get up early to catch the good light, and spend hours in the office processing the photos.
His joy was obvious – and often explicit. He’d enthusiastically show us his latest photo and say “doesn’t that look neat?” He was obsessed.
As he began to get more experience and started experimenting with new gear, his images got more impressive. Eventually, he upgraded to his new mirrorless camera, a real investment in his hobby. (I will refrain from mentioning his jealousy when I got my mirrorless Sony, even though he’s an Olympus die-hard.)
I’m really happy to be here, helping him take his passion to the next level. I hope that I can be here behind the scenes steering the business and helping with some online maintenance. Since I’ll be in the background, I thought I’d take this small opportunity to put my mark on the website.
A little about me:
I am mostly a video person and specialize in documentary filmmaking. I’m also a raft guide in the summer and like to spend as much of my time outside and traveling as I can. I recently graduated from Ithaca College with degrees in Documentary Studies & Production and Outdoor Adventure Leadership. (You can check out my website HERE.)
I’ve worked for my dad in the past writing blogs and creating online content for previous businesses. I really enjoy web and graphic design, though admittedly have limited training in it. I was almost over-eager to help my dad redesign his logo and his website. I think creating a new website from scratch is such an enjoyable challenge. Mike gave me free reign to design the website how I saw fit, and I spent hours building it out. So here’s my way of claiming a little credit for the work I put in!
I hope you like the finished product. I’m so excited to share more with you in the future. We’ve got big plans ahead!

Fun Fact: my favorite flower that my dad has photographed is a strawflower, or Bracteantha. All the pictures of this flower are just so cool!